Legal Statement

Access to and use of Shorrock Trichem Ltd website is subject to the following terms and conditions of use. You are responsible for bringing these terms to the attention of anyone who may access this website as a result of you. By using this website you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd reserves the right to make any changes to, remove or alter the content of this website at any time and without notice.
*Unless otherwise specified, references in this Legal Statement to the Shorrock Trichem Ltd, means Shorrock Trichem Ltd and its group of companies.
The information contained on this website is not comprehensive and is provided for general information purposes only. Although care has been taken in preparing the information published on its website, the Shorrock Trichem Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy of it. Information may not be up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd cannot accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions on this website and any decisions you make based on information contained on this website are your sole responsibility. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd does not accept liability for any direct, indirect, consequential or other losses or damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of the use of or access to this website or any information contained on it.
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The Shorrock Trichem Ltd does not give any warranty or guarantee as to the availability of this website or that your use of it will be uninterrupted or that the website, the content, our operation of it and/or the server which makes it available are error or virus free. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd reserves the right to terminate, suspend or deny you access to the website at any time and for any reason and without giving prior notice.
Copyright © 2017 Shorrock Trichem Ltd. All rights reserved. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images and other material on this website are owned by the Shorrock Trichem Ltd or are included with the permission of the owner.
You are permitted to browse this website and to produce extracts by way of printing or downloading for non-commercial, informational or personal private purposes only. All other use is strictly prohibited. No reproduction of any part of this website may be sold, distributed or transmitted for commercial gain, modified, incorporated into any other work, publication or website without Shorrock Trichem Ltd’s prior written permission.
Product and Service Offerings
A reference to any service or product on this website does not constitute an offer to supply or sell that service or product and does not mean that the service or product is available in all areas or countries. Anyone interested in a specific service or product should contact their local Shorrock Trichem Ltd company or representative for specific advice concerning the availability and/or suitability of any particular service or product within their locality.
Trade Marks
All trademarks displayed on this website are either owned or used under license by the Shorrock Trichem Ltd.
The information contained on this website is not intended to be and shall not be deemed to be an invitation or inducement to invest in or otherwise deal in any securities of Shorrock Trichem Ltd, nor does such information provide or constitute any advice or recommendation to purchase shares in Shorrock Trichem Ltd.
The price of shares and the income derived from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Investors should be aware that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Before making any investment decision you should make your own independent assessment and seek advice from a financial adviser or other professional who is familiar with your financial situation and investment objectives.
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The Shorrock Trichem Ltd is not responsible for the content of any other website, including any website through which you may have gained access to this website or through which you may gain access from this website. Where a link is provided to a third party website, such a link does not indicate that the Shorrock Trichem Ltd has reviewed or approve of the third parties website or its contents. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd does not accept any responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for these other websites or any information contained in them, none of which have been endorsed or verified by the Shorrock Trichem Ltd.
Changes to Terms and Conditions
The Shorrock Trichem Ltd may change these terms and conditions of use from time to time without notice. You should check these terms and conditions regularly. Your continued use of this website will be deemed to be acceptance of the updated or amended terms.
Data Protection
Personal details provided to the Shorrock Trichem Ltd through this website will be used only in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please read this carefully before proceeding. By providing your personal details to us you are consenting to the use of these personal details in accordance with our privacy policy. If you require any further information regarding our data protection policy please address your enquiry to
This website contains a Blog which allows interaction between ‘authors’ and ‘commentors’. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd does not control the information and/or material posted to the Blog (“User Material”) and therefore accepts no liability whatsoever in respect of such information. The Shorrock Trichem Ltd reserves the right (which it may exercise at its sole discretion without notice) to delete, move or edit the User Material and to terminate your access to and use of the Blog for any reason.
Your access to and use of the Blog is subject to more detailed Terms and Conditions of Use which apply in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Statement. By using or contributing to the Blog you agree to be bound by these additional Terms and Conditions of Use. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Statement and the Terms and Condition of Use for the Blog, then the latter shall prevail.
Your use of this website and the operation of these terms and conditions are governed by and are to be interpreted in accordance with English law. The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or the use of this website.
Company Information
Company information including details of registered names, addresses and numbers can be found here.